Monday, October 27, 2014

Sterling Silver

rose, rosebud, hybrid tea, Sterling Silver rose, Sterling Silver, desert garden

The first rose has just arrived in the little garden.  This was not planned.  But how could I resist?  A local garden center had just received a shipment, and the price was right, and ...well... they were roses.

Most were old classics: Peace, Mister Lincoln, even Chrysler Imperial.  And the mid-century lavender hybrid tea, the first important lavender rose in commerce: Sterling Silver.

Sterling Silver has the typical hybrid tea form so well loved since 1912, when the elegant "Ophelia" won the hearts of rose lovers.  Slender, vase-shaped buds and high centered flowers bloom on long stems.   Sterling Silver adds to these characteristics a light ruffling of the petal edges and a full, citrus fragrance.  (In my limited experience, it seems that a high percentage of lavender roses have a strong fragrance.  I would like to know whether anyone else has observed this?)

I grew Sterling Silver once before and did not find it overly vigorous; but this new bush looks good and sturdy, and I no longer have to contend with significant cold.  So I am giving it some garden space in order to enjoy those wonderful blooms.

Rose, Sterling Silver rose, Sterling Silver, hybrid tea rose, hybrid tea, lavender rose, desert garden

In particular, I am trying to use lavender tones as a basic color component in this garden - a way to control the inevitable clash of desert yellow and garden pink.  So I had an excellent excuse to choose this lavender-colored rose.

But who needs any excuse to enjoy this?

Sterling Silver rose, rose, Sterling Silver, hybrid tea rose, hybrid tea, lavender rose, desert garden

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