Saturday, August 22, 2015

Waiting in the Wings

Ozothamnus diasmifolius
The collection of plants waiting in pots is growing.  Growing in more ways than one.  Some will need a trim when they are planted!
containers to be planted
Leucophyllum frutescens "Compacta" (which is NOT a vine) and Convolvulus cneorum  
I have finally collected all of them in one spot.
small sunny garden, desert garden, summer
From left to right: Eremophila hygrophana, Ozothamnus diosmifolius, Rosmarinus "Tuscan Blue", Leucophyllum frutescens "Compacta", and Convolvulus cneorum)
I had worried several times that I would be forced to plant the Convolvulus no matter what the weather.  But it has very obviously taken its life on the patio quite well even without repotting!  I love this foliage.
Convolvulus cneorum
A couple of selections were already planted on into the garden despite full summer temperatures.  Caesalpinia pulcherrima went in because it was growing so well in high heat that I thought it might just as soon put that energy into garden growth.  So far my decision is borne out by its robust appearance.

Lagerstroemia indica "Dynamite" was more of a rescue case.  It was already reaching the dangerous stage when I bought it - hence its bargain status - and it continued a cycle of frequent wilting when I brought it home.  Despite this the plant looked good overall.  I assumed it was rootbound until I checked more closely.  The problem was simply that the soil in the container was so open that the pot could not retain enough water for the roots.  Rather than repot, I plonked it into its permanent spot in the garden and have been thrilled with the results.
Lagerstroemia indica "Dynamite", small sunny garden
The rest of my summer-purchased plants, however, are simply waiting for cooler weather.  I would like a bit more rain, too, to soften up the ground and make digging easier!

It's not a bad little collection, consisting entirely of blooming shrubs with attractive foliage.  It's an unusual posting for Garden Bloggers' Foliage Day, hosted by Christina at My Hesperides Garden; but I think these shrubs represent a good start for the next planting season.  

The most recent addition to the group was Ozothamnus diosmifolius, which I bought just three days ago after standing at the GC doing an emergency search as to what in the world...  Turns out it's another Australian native.  The flowers are said to be small and remain budlike, and are useful for flower arranging.  The height ranges from about 5 ft - 6.5 ft (1.5 m - 2 m), but growth habit seems to be upright and narrow.  We shall see...  This variety is simply labelled Dark Pink... or was that Deep Pink...?  I don't think it's a varietal name, just a description!  Anyhow, I like the feathery green foliage which, like some of the other Australian plants, is brighter in hue than many of the drought tolerant American species.
Ozothamnus diasmifolius
An exception to that statement is the silver-leaved plant next to it, another Aussie, Eremophila hygrophana, which blooms with soft lilac-blue bell flowers.
Eremophila hygrophana foliage, desert garden
Convolvulus cneorum and Leucophyllum frutescens "Compacta" (this is the sister plant to one already in the garden) have received their due in other posts.  And there is a nicely rooted cutting of Rosemary "Tuscan Blue".  After clipping my baby hedge last spring, I tried starting some cuttings; but since I had no way to keep them humid without intolerable heat, most of them failed.  Of course!  But two did pull through.  This one looks particularly good, and I am inordinately proud of this little plant.  I'm hoping to start a good many more come autumn.

Just waiting!  It won't be too long now...
autumn, desert garden
Weather Diary: Sunny; High: 104 F (40 C)/Low: 84 F (29 C)


  1. I'm still hung up on that Eremophila hygrophana but I've yet to find it in anything smaller than a 3-gallon container. Fall will be here before we know it (I hope).

    1. The foliage alone is quite attractive - too bad Annie's Annuals doesn't carry Eremophilas! Fall sounds wonderful, doesn't it...!

  2. You do have a nice selection all ready to plant. You are right that often Australian natives are a particularly bright green, good observation. Please excuse me being late in commenting, I haven't had the chance to switch the computer on over the weekend and I find it impossible to leave comments using the iPhone. Thank you for joining GBFD with such a hopeful post.

    1. My computer time has been a bit fitful too - and with less excuse! I find the Australian greens round out the foliage colours nicely for this garden; dusky tones from the US desert natives, and silvers and deep greens from the Mediterranean... It's been fascinating!
