Monday, December 22, 2014

Sunlight and Red Leaves

rose "Sterling Silver", hybrid tea rose foliage, rose foliage
The sunlight this afternoon has been beautiful as only winter desert sun can be.  Here it is glowing through the new leaves of the rose "Sterling Silver", an old lavender-flowered hybrid tea.  Nestled deep in that cluster of growth will be a rosebud.  But for now the colour of the leaves is enough to enjoy!

Although I can only post a single picture tonight, I am adding this post to the Garden Bloggers Foliage Day meme with Christina at Creating my own Garden of the Hesperides.  She has some lovely silver frost and leaves to show.  Good night!


  1. ειναι οντως υπεροχο!!!!!!!!
    Amy καλημερα! αγγελικη.

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed it too Angela!! Have a lovely day!!
