The occasional note appears: "I finally got my comment through after four tries...."
Not for the first time…
With a recent reminder that some of my readers can only comment on my blog with difficuty, if at all, I am once more considering what I should do to remedy the situation.
I have tried altering my settings; I have tried to peer within the workings of things. What I find is an apparent failure point betweeen Blogger and WordPress. Blogspot and Google users never seem to have trouble getting through. And I know from sad experience that it works both ways. There are a number of WordPress blogs that I have given up following because there seems little to no chance of my ever being able to get my comments past the WordPress spam dragon. This has improved slightly since I registered with Gravatar, but even that has not completely eliminated the problem. (Many thanks to those of you who have gone to the trouble of ensuring that I can comment on your blogs!)
Which is one reason I am not switching to WordPress. It seems a “damned if you do, damned if you don't” situation where one half of my readers can comment and the other half cannot, whichever of the two main blogging platforms I would choose. And it really is roughly half and half, so far as I can tell.
So I have been looking at a third alternative, namely, building a blog from the blog-friendly website-maker platform Jimdo. (This is the program I have used for my artist website I love working with their templates and features, so there is no difficulty there. In fact, many's the time I've wished I could access their design features for my blog! Still, it is not a dedicated blogging platform, and I am wondering how far this will be an issue to readers/followers.
Most of the widgets I currently use on my blog can be duplicated, some with a bit of elbow-grease, perhaps, but I believe I can see my way clear to a satisfactorily working blog. To be honest, I'm quite excited about the possibilities for design and extension; for instance, building my little plant encyclopdedia will become much easier. But there are a few issues I would like some feedback on before I decide to make such a switch.
Please, please, please… do let me know your thoughts on this!
Mainly the issues involve the follow mechanisms, the labels widget, and the reply mode. The new blog could be followed by either RSS or email. I suppose it could also be followed directly via Blogger (the way I follow most of your blogs) or WordPress, but I'm not certain. Tags are available, but they may not be as ample as in the current mode. And threaded responses can only be had via a third-party widget, which carries its own drawbacks.
So, I am asking…
1. How (or whether) you actually “follow” my blog?
2. How do you keep up with posts, e.g. notifications, other blogs, or just "think I'll check", etc.?
3. Do you search for my blog online? If so, how (keywords etc.), and how hard is it to find initially?
4. Do you ever search within the blog using labels/tags?
5. Are there any other widgets on this blog that you would consider indispensable?
6. Do you use reply notification when leaving comments? Will the lack of that option, and of threaded replies generally, make a lot of trouble for you as a reader/commenter?
And anything else that strikes you as an issue! Like I say, I would love to have as much feedback as possible on this since it's a big decision so far as the blog goes.
Obviously, some of you can't leave comments, or I wouldn't be posting this! Please feel free to leave your notes at amy dot mmxii at gmail dot com, or on my
Facebook post.
And a big thank you to everyone for reading and participating!